Friday, March 4, 2011

God's Plans Always Have a Purpose.

Jeremiah 29:11- For I know the plans that I have for you, 'declares the Lord, 'plans for welfare and not for calamity to give you a future and a hope. 

We have been trying to adopt a baby girl for almost five years now.  It has been a long, painful process and we are still waiting.  Two times we were so close to end up with empty arms at the end.  But who am I to question what God's plans are?
Five Years ago when we started this whole process,  we thought that I had Fibromyalgia only and there is nothing you can do about that except do your best with it and live your life.  Yes we would have preferred to have had our precious daughter in our arms by now but the Lord knew being diagnosed with Lyme disease and going through these last seven months of treatment would have been hard with having a little one around.  I think my treatments are slowly getting better so that is a very good thing!  A good thing in that when it is finally God's timing for us to get our precious daughter, I will actually be healthier than I was five years ago.
The blessing of having a daughter is being held until I was able to discover my illness and get on a good pathway of healing.  The Lyme was hidden in my body from me but not from God.  He knew the best time (yes even thirty years later) to finally bring it out what has been pledging my body.
God's timing is not always our own but His plans are always perfect and He always has our best interest in account no matter what we might think.
What things are you waiting on?  Praying for?  Hoping for?  Just remember, God is in control and always works things together for His good.


  1. You are welcome. I love how God hits one person with something and is able to help someone else with it. Praying for you!

  2. Esther,
    I have subscribed to your blog on my blog list now. I really like what I see so far. What truth and encouragement you have shared. It hurts me to see your struggles with your health. I still love you, and I am excited to see the plans the Lord still has ahead. Your are such a blessing bringing Him the glory through it all! You are a blessing!!!
