Monday, February 14, 2011


Isaiah 40:29-31- He giveth power to the faint; and to them that have no might he increaseth strength. Even the youths shall faint and be weary, and the young men shall utterly fall: But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.     

Have you ever been weary?  I had a bit of a melt-down this morning when waking up to get my kids ready for and to school.  By melt-down, I don't mean yelling and screaming but by bursting into tears. The last week has been very difficult because I have been tending to three sick people in my household plus trying to sanitize everything to keep myself, as well as my youngest, from getting the flu.  My body has become more and more worn down with each passing day.  The pain has gotten greater and greater as well.  It is all you can do to just hold on to God's strength to get you through the day.
     My Lyme disease makes normal life difficult so you throw on extra demands and you have an all out disaster.  This next week is not going to be easy.  I had Valentine's to get ready for my youngest son's class and all this week is teacher appreciation week so every day there is something different all three of my boys must get and do for two teachers each.  I host Bunko in my house tomorrow night and I did not have a chance to get all the prizes for it till today.  Then this week we are having Missions Conference in our church.  We are hosting a family of six at our house for 5 to 6 days.  Lastly my middle sons birthday is Friday and I need to get his gifts and make sure I get the cake and such to celebrate for that.  Needless to say this is a very hard week and I have a lot on me.  When I woke up my body was just screaming at me from pain and pure exhaustion.  I got up and as I tried to put on my make up, I just burst into tears.  
     I cried out to God to help me just get through this week...none-the-less the day.  Trying to thank Him by faith for the disease that wracks my body daily and makes things extra hard.  I have learned very early in my walk with God that three things that help one get over the pity party is to one, thank God by thank for whatever the struggle is and two, reach out to others and three, counting the blessing I have.  There have been times in my life that I have started a "Thankful Journal".  I will write down things that I am thankful for.  At first it might be hard to come up with many things but the more you dwell on the good, the more good you see you have.  
     After my little melt down the Lord got me through the next couple hours to where I could at least press onward for the day and week ahead of me.

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